Accident or Mauling?
This morning was just like every other Tuesday morning... until I drove out of my drive way. As I drove away from my house I looked down the street I live on and noticed a woman laying on the ground in front of a car that was stopped in the middle of the road. I stopped the car turned it around and called 911 as I drove closer I was telling the 911 dispatcher that I was arriving on the scene of an accident. In the middle of saying this I realized that this was not an accident it was a Rottweiler attacking a black lab. A woman was walking her Lab and this Rottweiler got out and started to attack them. The woman was curled up the ground in the fetus position, holding the leash, and the two dogs were fighting. There was a woman honking and yelling at the dogs. I got off the phone with the police stepped out of the car and started to yell shoe the dog off. A FedEx driver pulled up and all three of us were yelling and honking. Just then the a police officer pulled up and whipped out his
taser gun. He was yelling for the dog to get off and aiming for him with the
taser. Just then the owner of the Rottweiler came running out saying don't shoot that's my dog. The officer also had drawn his pistol and was aiming both at the attacking dog. The cop said "control your dog or I will"... and before he could finish his statement he shot the
taser at the dog. Now for those of you who have never seen anyone, much less, a dog get
tased. Let me me share with you what happens. That dog stopped right in the middle of a bark jumped up in the air landed on his back feet in the air like rigor
mortis had set in crying and peeing on himself for about 15-20 seconds. He actually got up and started to head back and fight some more. Dogs really aren't that smart are they? The dog wised up and turned for home. I suppose that shaking on the ground while having one hundred thousand some odd volts running through you while you pee yourself isn't all that appealing even for a dumb dog. Oh ya and the woman who was on the ground did not even have a scratch on her and she was just fine. It turns out that she is a dog trainer and she really wasn't upset by the whole thing because... well... they were "just two alpha males trying to establish dominance" Crazy lady.