Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ellie at 4mths

Here are some pics of Ellie at 4 months of age. It's hard to believe how fast the time has gone! She is growing and changing every day. She is becoming more and more fun and is developing her own personality. She still does not enjoy sleeping much--nights are pretty good, but she has a strong aversion to naps. She has her 4 mth doctor appt this week, so we will get all of her stats there (height, weight, etc).

Hanging out with dad...

Micah is dad's little buddy! Here are a couple of recent shots of them together. Micah loves to do special activities with dad and there are certain things that only he and dad can do together--mom and Ellie not allowed! Their favorite thing to do is "tickle and wrestle" in Micah's bedroom. They also will often run errands together or hang out in the garage or outside together. At bedtime we talk about what Micah's favorite part of the day was. Today he said his favorite part was building a snow fort with dad. He likes to be wherever AJ is and talks about when he gets bigger he can go to work with dad. Most things that we say he can't do now he says he can do "when he gets bigger". He's a bunch of fun!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Children's Museum

We made a trip to the Children's Museum today with Tim, Cathy, and William Fischer (friends from church). It was great because the 3rd Sunday of the month is free admission. However, it was a ZOO! Everybody loves free stuff and the place was packed. Micah had fun and elbowed his way in to play with the exhibits. There was a special exhibit with Bob the Builder, so he enjoyed that. Above are a few pics from the day.

Friday, February 16, 2007

55 degrees....

Was I just dreaming of a warm spring day? Not quite--that was the actual temp in our house when we woke up yesterday morning. Now we are all about cutting costs, but not quite to that extent. Our furnace had broken down on us on a very cold February day in MN. Praise the Lord for gas fireplaces and friends with warm homes! Finally, by about 7:30pm, our furnace was running again. We spent most of the day in the basement with the fireplace running and a blanket covering the door. It was very actually very cozy, and we were lucky to be able to do that. Thanks to all of you who offered to open your home to us if we would have had another night without heat. We were thrilled to crawl into our own warm beds!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Not again....

I know this is quite unbecoming for a little princess, but seriously, it happens almost every day. Ellie is the queen of blowouts! I hate to put her in her cute little pink outfits because this is what always seems to happen! Thank goodness for good stain remover! And yes, she actually is wearing a diaper and it still seems to work its way out. A few nights ago, right before bed, we did 3 diaper changes in less than 10 minutes as she kept filling them! Sorry, enough potty talk for now....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Who's who #2?

Here's more pictures of the two kids for comparison. Obviously, they no longer look very similar. Micah is above and is from when he was about 2 months old. Ellie is below at about 3 mths old. Check out those cheeks!