Saturday, September 26, 2009

Isaac's 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to Isaac, Happy Birthday to Isaac, Happy Birthday dear Isaac, Happy Birthday to you. It was Isaac's 1st birthday today and he got a very special present. It was a wonderful rash or some sort of hives. Take a look at the great pics below. He woke up this morning with these red splotches all over. After getting lots of opinions (insurance nurse line, doctor's office, pharmacist, neighbor, friend, mother-in-law, random moms at Micah's soccer game), I finally decided to take him in to Urgent Care. Of course, they couldn't really tell me what it was or exactly what to do about it. They did send me home with some cream and told me that it would either make it better or make it worse. I'm hoping for better. We'll see how he looks tomorrow morning. We have a much more exciting birthday planned for mid-October when he and Ellie will have their family birthday parties.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First day of school

Here is Micah on his first day of school. We started homeschooling yesterday and so far, so good. Check back in January and see if we are all still smiling about it! I'm a little worried about cabin fever come winter, but we had a great first day. Ellie has to join in with everything and has her "school supplies" with her in this picture. She does great and is happy to sit at the table and color and whatnot while Micah is doing his stuff.

And just a random picture of Isaac. He's a good eater and pounds down just about everything we put in front of him. I'm not sure what he was eating before this picture, but it looks like he enjoyed it!