Friday, September 14, 2007

First day of preschool

Yesterday was Micah's first day of preschool. He was sooooo excited for it and could hardly wait to go. We met his teacher and saw his classroom a couple of days ago. Sending him off to preschool was hard on mom, and I drove away a little teary-eyed! I hadn't really thought much about it until the time came, but it made me very anxious to leave him. Now it's not like we never leave him anywhere and he loves to go places and do things. But for some reason, this was a big deal to me. What was I worried about? I'm not exactly sure, but it had to do something with wanting him to do well and make friends and not get picked on or feel insecure or unsure. It probably was one of my hardest moments as a mom. A wise aunt told me that it's kind of like a butterfly leaving the cocoon. The butterfly needs to struggle to get out and is strengthened through that process. If we help the butterfly out it isn't able to build the strength it needs. Micah was not struggling about preschool, but I know those moments will come and it will be very hard to watch those struggles. Anyway, too serious of a post for our usually upbeat blog!

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