Monday, December 31, 2007

Ellie at 14 months

Ellie turned 14 mths old on Christmas Eve day. It's hard to get her to leave the note with her age on it alone, so it is absent in these pics. She is not yet walking, although she's getting closer. She can cruise around things and will often walk while holding onto hands, and even sometimes stand on her own, but she's not ready to let go yet. To my surprise, I did recently find her about 3/4 of the way up our staircase. Just the night before she had only gotten to the 2nd step!

She has 7 teeth, 4 on top and 3 on bottom. Still very little hair, although the back is filling out a bit. It seems to be quite light and thin at this point. She has gotten to be a bit of a picky eater and is not quite as willing to try new things as she once was. She still finds plenty to eat and especially likes the sweets. She drinks about 10-12 oz of whole milk a day, but she prefers to drink water. She is learning new words and animals sounds. Her favorite is to roar like a lion.

She is generally a very happy little girl. She also knows what she wants and is very vocal about it! She doesn't like to be told no, especially by daddy. It takes just a moment, then her eyes well up with tears and the lip quivers, and then the loud cry comes. It's kind of cute. Just kind of, though.

She loves to play with Micah and the two of them play back and forth in each others rooms very well. She loves to move things around and empty baskets of toys and fill them up again. She loves to put anything with a handle around her arm and drag it around and fill it with things, just like a purse. I hear that is an expensive habit for a girl to have!

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