Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ellie turns 2!

Ellie is now 2 years old! And what a bundle of joy she is! She is generally a pretty happy little girl, although we have our moments. I found it funny that the morning of her birthday she was upset about something and rolled around on the living room floor throwing a little fit. I thought to myself, "Welcome terrible two's!" I'm hoping she won't do that too often! She is actually a very good little helper and loves to follow her big brother around and do whatever he is doing. For all you older siblings out there, you know how annoying that can be. But most times they get along pretty well.
We had a birthday celebration last weekend with our extended family. Ellie was the star of the party and had fun entertaining the crowd. There are a couple of pictures below of the birthday girl in her birthday shirt and with her cake. Two of Ellie's favorite foods are hot dogs and pizza. So we grilled hot dogs for lunch and ate a pizza cake for dessert. Thanks to dad for decorating the cake, with some help from grandma. It was a fun party and Ellie had a great time!


Shari said...

Happy Birthday Ellie! What a cute idea for a cake.. perfect for your pizza lovin' family! :o) I have to ask.. what were the pepperoni made of?

AJ King said...

Thanks! We used Ju Ju Coins (red gummy coin-like things) that AJ rolled out flat. Another website said to use fruit roll-ups cut into circles. It was tasty!

Jessica-MomForHim said...

What a cute idea for a cake. I'll have to try to remember that for Ted's bday next year! :-)
Sshhh, don't tell him!