Monday, February 02, 2009

Micah is 5!

Our firstborn is officially 5 years old! How did that happen so fast? He had a great birthday last week filled with many of his favorite things: preschool in the morning with donuts for snacktime, Caribou smoothie and a game of Go Fish with dad in the afternoon, and supper at Chuck-e-Cheese with Amara in the evening. It was a 5-year-old's dream day! He enjoyed every minute of it. We will be celebrating with extended family this weekend.
He had his 5-year doctor check-up this morning and was declared healthy and quite normal. He is 44 in tall and weighs in at 42lbs.
Here are a few pics of his day.

1 comment:

Jessica-MomForHim said...

Happy Birthday Micah! It sounds like you had a super day! I remember when your mom was pregnant with you! Time sure does fly!